1. Definition of Personal Information

At Asobi System, we define personal information as data pertaining to a living individual as specified by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. This includes information such as names, birthdates, and other details that can identify specific individuals, as well as email addresses, phone numbers, and LINE IDs when linked to specific individuals. Additionally, it encompasses attributes like hobbies, family structure, and age when these are associated with personal information.

2. Cookies and IP Address Information

Our company does not consider cookies and IP address information alone to be personal information, as they do not identify specific individuals by themselves. However, when this information is used in conjunction with personal information, we treat it as personal information. In our media operations, even if such information cannot identify specific individuals, we disclose the purpose and method of its use. Users can reject cookies through their browser settings. If rejecting cookies affects the availability of our services, we will inform users accordingly.

3. Specifying the Purpose of Use for Personal Information

The purposes for which we use personal information are as follows and will not be used beyond these purposes:

1.For Customers:

  1. Responding to inquiries from customers
  2. Providing information and proposals related to our services and products
  3. Informing about new businesses, services, and products
  4. Delivering and confirming services that customers have applied for
  5. Announcing various events and campaigns
  6. Sending notifications via email, newsletters, and direct mail
  7. Conducting and analyzing customer surveys
  8. Communicating business-related matters concerning the services provided
  9. Contacting customers for other necessary reasons

2.For Individuals Registered in Our Recruitment Information:

Using the provided personal information solely for recruitment activities and related communications.

4. Restrictions on the Use of Personal Information

We do not handle personal information beyond the necessary scope for achieving its specified purposes without obtaining prior consent from users, except in the following cases:

  1. When required by law
  2. When necessary to protect human life, body, or property and obtaining user consent is difficult
  3. When it is judged that the user may cause harm to a third party
  4. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and obtaining user consent is difficult
  5. When it is necessary to cooperate with government agencies or local authorities, or their contractors, to execute legally prescribed duties, and obtaining user consent could impede those duties
  6. When requested by courts, public prosecutors, police, or similar authorities to disclose personal information
  7. When explicitly requested by the user to disclose or provide information to third parties
  8. When disclosure or provision is permitted by law
  9. When providing personal information due to business succession from mergers or other reasons, within the scope of prior use purposes

5. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

If users do not provide necessary information, they may not be able to receive certain services.

6. Proper Acquisition of Personal Information

We acquire personal information through legitimate means and do not obtain it by deception or other improper methods. We are also careful not to collect information about children under the age of 15 without parental consent.

7. Changes to the Purpose of Using Personal Information

If we change the purpose of using personal information, we ensure it is reasonably related to the previous purpose and notify users or publicly announce the new purpose.

8. Safety Management and Supervision of Employees

We establish regulations to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and ensure its safe management, along with appropriate supervision of our employees.

9. Supervision of Contractors

When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we require contractors to sign confidentiality agreements or agree to our terms and conditions, ensuring proper supervision for safe management of the information.

10. Restrictions on Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

We do not provide personal information to third parties without user consent, except in the following cases:

  1. When required by law
  2. When necessary to protect human life, body, or property and obtaining user consent is difficult
  3. When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and obtaining user consent is difficult
  4. When necessary to cooperate with government agencies or local authorities, or their contractors, to execute legally prescribed duties, and obtaining user consent could impede those duties
  5. When we have informed or publicly announced in advance the following:
    1. Inclusion of third-party provision in the use purpose
    2. Items of data provided to third parties
    3. Means or methods of third-party provision
    4. Stopping third-party provision at the user’s request (We do not consider the following cases as providing information to third parties:)
      • When outsourcing handling within the necessary scope for achieving the use purpose
      • When personal information is provided due to business succession from mergers or other reasons
      • When personal information is jointly used with specific parties, and the items, scope of users, purposes, and person responsible for management are notified to users or easily accessible to them

11. Public Announcements Regarding Personal Information

We place the following matters in an easily accessible state for users and respond promptly to requests:

  1. Purposes of using personal information (unless exempted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; in such cases, we notify users promptly)
  2. Contact information for inquiries about personal information

12. Disclosure of Personal Information

We place the following matters in an easily accessible state for users and respond promptly to requests:

  1. Purposes of using personal information (unless exempted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; in such cases, we notify users promptly)
  2. Contact information for inquiries about personal information

13. Correction of Personal Information

If a user requests correction, addition, or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “correction”) of personal information due to it being untrue, we conduct necessary investigations without delay, within the scope necessary to achieve the use purpose, and correct the information based on the results. We notify the user of the correction.

14. Use of Statistical Data

We may create statistical data based on personal information that cannot identify individuals. We can use such statistical data without any restrictions.

15. Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If a user requests suspension or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “suspension”) of their personal information due to it being used beyond the announced purposes or obtained by fraudulent means, we conduct necessary investigations without delay, and based on the results, suspend the use of the information. We notify the user of the suspension. If suspending the use of personal information incurs significant costs or is difficult, we take alternative measures to protect the user’s rights and interests.

16. Explanation of Reasons

If we decide not to notify the purpose of use, disclose, correct, suspend the use of, or stop third-party provision of personal information despite user requests, we strive to explain the reasons to the user when notifying them of the decision.

17. Inquiries

For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact:
ANNIN Business Division
3-21-8 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001
TEL : 0120-822-201